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WCA Privacy Policy

If you are under the age of 13, we kindly ask that you get your parent(s) or guardian(s) to review this Policy and to contact us with any questions at We cannot collect or use your information without their approval.

At WCA, we are keenly aware of the trust placed in us, and our responsibility to protect the privacy of the young women coaches and families we serve, as well as our many mentors, volunteers, community sports partners, sponsors, and donors. As part of this responsibility, this WCA Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”) informs you about the personal information collected on or via WCA’s website, apps operated by WCA such as Slack, Online Video Conferencing and Team Snap (“Apps”), via our official pages on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In and other social media (collectively, “Social Media”), as well as the information received from other sources such as player, camper and mentor registration data and photo releases, community sports league information, events, volunteer reporting, and advertising (The WCA Websites, Apps, Social Media and other information collection sources are collectively referred to as the “Platform”).  It also informs you about how we use this information to improve and sustain our program.  

By submitting information to us, you agree to the terms set forth in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy may be modified at any time. Any modifications to this Privacy Policy will be posted on the Website. Your continued use of the Platform after changes are made to the privacy policy is deemed to be your acceptance of those changes, so please check the Privacy Policy periodically for updates. Please be assured that WCA will only use your information in accordance with this Policy.

Website Visitors: For each visitor to our Website, we collect information on location, web browser, IP address, operating system, computer and internet connection, and details of your visits to our Website. We also collect the information that you provide through the forms made available on the Website, including name, postal and email addresses, phone numbers, demographic information about families and participants, emergency contact information, and other information you voluntarily submit to us. Program and event Participants: We collect information about our program and event participants and their families (for those under 18) via our online program registration and photography permission forms accessed through Website forms and paper forms submitted by participants and their families. During this process we collect names, postal and email addresses, phone numbers, demographic information about families and participants, emergency contact information, bank and credit card information, and other information you voluntarily submit to us.  

Mentors:  We collect information about Mentors via our online program registration and photo permission accessed through our Website and paper forms submitted by Mentors. During program registration we collect names, postal and email addresses, phone numbers, demographic information about families and participants, emergency contact information, participants’ health histories, bank and credit card information, and other information you voluntarily submit to us.  Because mentors will be interacting with minors, you will need to be fingerprinted or have a background check done, facilitated through the partnering sports organization or through Women’s Coaching Alliance.

Volunteers: We collect personal information and photo permission via online forms (e.g., Volunteer Coach Application, New Site Application, photo permission form) as part of our volunteer placement and new site processes. Personal information collected from volunteers includes names, username and passwords, postal and email addresses, phone numbers, emergency contact information, and other information you voluntarily submit to us. 

Donors: We also collect personal information when one generously chooses to donate to WCA via our Donate pages accessed via our website and social media channels. Personal information collected from donors includes name, email addresses, phone numbers, and, in some cases, bank or credit card information. User Contributions: You also may provide information to be published or displayed on the Platform (collectively, “User Contributions”). Your User Contributions are posted on and transmitted to others at your own risk. Additionally, we cannot control the actions of other users of the Platform with whom you may choose to share your User Contributions. Therefore, we cannot and do not guarantee that your User Contributions will not be viewed by unauthorized persons. 

Third-party service providers are used to perform certain services, including background checks, registration management, and the collection of donations made to WCA. Third-party service providers may collect bank or credit card information if a payment is submitted, but that information is not passed on to WCA. 

WCA processes your personal information as needed to allow you to participate in or volunteer for WCA programs and events; further the WCA mission; to meet our contractual and other legal obligations; to improve and develop our programs, services, products and events; and protect our coaches,  mentors, volunteers, partners, staff, assets and systems.Additionally, we may use your personal information for the following legitimate purposes:For registration purposes, including for eligibility verification and to enroll you in events, coaching roles, mentor roles, camps, webinars and other activities. 
To provide program information, special offers, services, promotions, or other relevant information through WCA and/or its trusted sponsors or  partners.

To communicate to you the information on goods, services, experiences, and other information or promotions that we believe may be relevant to you.

To fulfill your requests for information or products/services, including to respond to your inquiries about our programs.
To maintain a list of verified and eligible participants.

To communicate with you and your authorized representatives, such as to update you on operational issues and to provide information about WCA programs and additional services or promotions that may be relevant.

To market and promote the WCA and our programs.To generate philanthropic and social impact programming support, to solicit donations, funding and other monetary or in-kind means to support our programs and initiatives.

To ensure that our programs meet the needs of all constituents and to provide appropriate programming and to determine funding needs and opportunities.

To communicate with third parties on your behalf as requested by you and your authorized representatives.
To manage a network of organized youth sports programs and ensure that sporting events are successful and safe.

To screen volunteers and mentors.

For the purposes that are specifically allowed in the privacy laws or the additional purposes that you specifically agreed to at the time the information was collected.

For newsworthy or promotional purposes.

As necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property or safety of our coaches, volunteers, mentors, staff, or others, system and network administration and security, infrastructure monitoring, identity and credential management, verification and authentication, and access control; monitoring and other controls needed to safeguard the security and integrity of transactions and/or recordation of information.

To improve our Platform and present its contents to you.

To conduct research, data analysis, and development of programming, funding and service offerings.

With Other Service Providers and Organizations: The personally identifiable information we maintain at WCA is for internal use only, and will not be sold, rented or exchanged with any third-party except when (1) you have consented to share the information; (2) we need to share information in order to provide a product or service requested by you; or (3) we need to share the information with others who work on our behalf to provide a requested product or service to you. These third parties do not have the right to use the personally identifiable information that we provide to them beyond what is necessary to assist us. With Community Sports Organizations and Volunteers: Personally identifiable information of enrolled participants is shared with community sports organizations and volunteers that include the participant’s name, emergency contact information, health history and other information directly related to participation in the program.  

With Philanthropic Funders or Sponsors: We may provide limited personal information to these entities related to their collaborations with us on promotions, events, special offers, information, donations and other joint projects. We utilize contractual obligations to help ensure your personal information remains protected by any third parties we share it with. Additionally, the use of your personal information by such third parties may also be governed by these third parties’ own privacy policies. 

As Aggregate Data: We may aggregate data and share it with third parties, including councils, sponsors, donors and community representatives only to the extent that personally identifiable information has been removed. As Required by Law: At times WCA may be required by law or litigation, or as necessary to enforce our terms and conditions, to disclose personally identifiable information. If we are required to do so by law or we believe, in good faith, that such a disclosure is necessary to comply with the law, defend our rights or property, or to respond to an emergency situation, we may disclose any information in our possession. Other Purposes: We may share personally identifiable information for any other purpose disclosed by us when you provide the information. Enforcement: We may disclose your personally identifiable information if we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property or safety of WCA, our mentors, volunteers, coaches, employees, or others. 

WCA takes precautions to safeguard personal information against loss, theft and misuse as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction.  We have physical, electronic and managerial procedures in place, as well as document retention policies that safeguard and secure the information we collect. 

If you want to know what personal information WCA has collected about you or your child, we will be happy to share that information upon request. This includes transaction information (e.g., dates on which you made payments, amounts and types of payments, financial assistance, background check reports), communications to staff in which you have disclosed personal information, and contact information (e.g., name, address, phone number).  Should you have questions, concerns or to request review, provide an update, or request removal of you or your child’s information and prohibit its further collection or use in accordance with this policy, please send an email to

While certain services advertised on the Platform  may be designed for children, the Platform is not designed for or targeted to children under the age of 13. WCA will not knowingly collect the information of a child under the age of 13 through the Platform unless such information is submitted by that child’s parent or guardian in connection with WCA services. If WCA determines that any information submitted about a child under the age of 13 was submitted by anyone other than that child’s parent or guardian, WCA will delete such information. Any information that WCA reasonably believes originated from a child under the age of 13 will be deleted. If you believe we might have any information from or about a child under 13 that was not provided by that child’s parent or guardian, please contact us at to be deleted.    

We use cookies to enhance your experience and collect information about how you use our Website. These technologies are small text files that allow us to store information on your mobile device or computer hard drive so that we can recognize your browser and capture certain information, such as a user ID, user settings, browsing history and activities conducted while using our website. A cookie enables us to provide certain conveniences, such as delivering unique content or providing easy log-on access. You can adjust how your Internet browser (e.g., Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Safari and Firefox) responds to cookies (e.g., to warn you every time a cookie is sent, or to turn off all cookies. By disabling your cookies, you will not have access to some of the features that enhance your user experience on our website. You are not required to accept any cookies to use this Website. 

WEBSITE ANALYTICS We use a tool called “Google Analytics” to collect information about the use of this Website. Google Analytics collects information such as how often users visit this site, what pages they visit when they do so, and what other sites they used prior to coming to this site. Aggregate data obtained from Google Analytics is reviewed to identify trends among users, rather than to review information about any one individual, unique user. Google Analytics collects only the IP address assigned to you on the date you visit this site, rather than your name or other identifying information. We do not combine the information collected through the use of Google Analytics with personally identifiable information. Although Google Analytics plants a permanent cookie on your web browser to identify you as a unique user the next time you visit this site, the cookie cannot be used by anyone but Google. Google’s ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to this site is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of Use and the Google Privacy Policy. You can prevent Google Analytics from recognizing you on return visits to this site by disabling cookies on your browser. 

To ask questions or comment about this privacy policy or our privacy practices, contact us at Updated: August 2024