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A model that can be scaled across any community


Partner with sports organizations

Partner with sports organizations such as AYSO and Parks & Recreation to identify coaching needs.


Engage community leaders to recruit potential coaches

Engage community leaders, school administrators, athletic directors and coaches to identify and recruit young women who play sports.


Connect with potential mentors

Engage experienced coaches and accomplished leaders to volunteer as mentors for WCA coaches over a 3-month season.


Train new coaches

Train new coaches via in person & video-based learning that teach clear and consistent coaching methodologies, leveraging Positive Coaching Alliance and research-based youth development principles.


Pair coaches with mentors

Pair coaches with experienced mentors to facilitate meaningful relationships and integrate leadership skill development into coach experience.


Gain actionable feedback

Collect feedback from coaches, mentors and players' parents with an eye to continually increasing the impact of the WCA experience.


Create post-coaching career paths

Partner with local employers to create a path to internships and jobs so WCA coaches can put their new leadership skills to work.


A model that can be scaled across any community


Partner with sports organizations

Partner with sports organizations such as AYSO and Parks & Recreation to identify coaching needs.


Engage community leaders to recruit potential coaches

Engage community leaders, school administrators, athletic directors and coaches to identify and recruit young women who play sports.


Connect with potential mentors

Engage experienced coaches and accomplished leaders to volunteer as mentors for WCA coaches over a 3-month season.


Train new coaches

Train new coaches via in person & video-based learning that teach clear and consistent coaching methodologies, leveraging Positive Coaching Alliance and research-based youth development principles.


Pair coaches with mentors

Pair coaches with experienced mentors to facilitate meaningful relationships and integrate leadership skill development into coach experience.


Gain actionable feedback

Collect feedback from coaches, mentors and players' parents with an eye to continually increasing the impact of the WCA experience.


Create post-coaching career paths

Partner with local employers to create a path to internships and jobs so WCA coaches can put their new leadership skills to work.

What We Do

We connect young women who play sports with coaching opportunities, development and mentorship and prepare them to be leaders within and outside of sports.

Coaching Opportunities

We provide young women who play sports with valuable coaching opportunities to develop their leadership skills in a fun and real-world setting.

Leadership Development

Through our Leadership Academy we equip young female coaches with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed as leaders on and off the field.

Mentorship and Support

We connect our coaches with experienced mentors who offer guidance, support, and inspiration throughout their leadership journey.

Lifelong Impact

We prepare them to become confident leaders who can drive change and shatter the gender parity gap in leadership positions within and outside of sports.

Addressing the Heart of The Issue

Leadership gender disparity finds its roots on the fields of community sports – the start for tomorrow's leaders. Nationally, only 25% of youth coaches are women, perpetuating the leadership gap from an early stage.

The underrepresentation of women in leadership positions across sports and the corporate world is a pressing issue that demands immediate attention and action.

By addressing the gender imbalance at the grassroots level of community sports, we can cultivate a new generation of female leaders and work towards closing the leadership gap in all sectors of society.

"It is not to say there are not amazing women's coaches out there because there absolutely are. It's just that there's not enough to get to critical mass. There needs to be just a richer pool."

Brady Stewart

CEO of Bay FC

"Getting leadership skill sets at a young age, learning early on and keeping that with you as you're testing and learning makes you a resilient, successful coach in the long term. So the work being done by the Women's Coaching Alliance is a big piece of the solution."

Jess Smith

President, WNBA Valkyries