Coach Today. Lead for Life

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Our Leadership Development Approach

Coaches at WCA pre season training academy
We Believe That ...

When more young women see coaching experience as leadership experience, more will raise their hands to coach.

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New coach being trained at WCA's pre season leadership academy

Principles of our Model

Target an athlete's formative years - ages 15-26

Meet them where they are - have them coach a sport they have played

Make it engaging - mix classroom training with real world simulations.

Underscore her value - pay her fair wages, build financial acumen

Connect her to careers - create paths to internships & jobs

Close the confidence gap - Mentors are the key

Power a virtuous cycle - be role models for young players

What Our Champions Say

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"You cannot be what you cannot see. Having women be coaches and having young athletes see these women as role models and exemplars of what could be, what can be, ultimately will be."

Tara VanDerveer Former Stanfor Womens Basketball head coach
Lisa Borders

Former President of the WNBA

"Coaching serves as a springboard into leadership roles outside of sports, helping girls develop communication skills & build confidence."

Tara VanDerveer Former Stanfor Womens Basketball head coach
Patti Phillips

CEO, Women Leaders in Sports

The WCA Model

Her step-by-step coaching  journey from pre to post season and beyond.

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with sports organizations

Partner with sports organizations such as AYSO and Parks & Recreation to identify coaching needs.

girls Youth Basektball coaches


community leaders to recruit potential coaches

Engage community leaders, school administrators, athletic directors and coaches to identify and recruit young women who play sports.

girls Youth Basektball coaches


with potential mentors

Engage experienced coaches and accomplished leaders to volunteer as mentors for WCA coaches over a 3-month season.

girls Youth Basektball coaches


new coaches

Train new coaches via in person & video-based learning that teach clear and consistent coaching methodologies, leveraging positive coaching  and research-based youth development principles.

girls Youth Basektball coaches


coaches with mentors

Pair coaches with experienced mentors to facilitate meaningful relationships and integrate leadership skill development into coach experience.

girls Youth Basektball coaches


actionable feedback

Collect feedback from coaches, mentors and players' parents with an eye to continually increasing the impact of the WCA experience.

girls Youth Basektball coaches


post-coaching career paths

Partner with local employers to create a path to internships and jobs so WCA coaches can put their new leadership skills to work.

girls Youth Basektball coaches
Coaching youth basketballCoaching youth basketball game
Designed to meet the needs of Community Sports Organizations
All of our coaches are trained by experts in the WCA Leadership Academy.  The curriculum is grounded in positive coaching principles and prioritizes mental health for all players. In addition, the WCA home office handles the logistics of local coach and mentor recruitment, simplifying adoption and delivering jobs back to the communities in which a sports organization operates.
Read more about how coaches are trained & developed.
Steve Kerr  Coach Golden State Warriors Poses with WCA StaffCoaching in pairs

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